The thought of making your first sewing pattern can be exciting. "This is easy enough", you're thinking. No big deal. But actually making that pattern can be frustrating and confusing. When you know what to expect when venturing off with your first pattern, you can curb a lot of the frustration.
Being able to create something is not something that you master overnight. It's a process, a journey. Here are my 6 tips of what to expect when you're sewing your first pattern.
1. Choose a simple pattern
A design that has straight seams and an elastic opening is a good choice. Avoid zippers, darts, and curved seams (armholes and necklines). After you have learned the basic stitches in the Beginner Sewing Lessons, here are some thins you will be able to sew.
2. Read the pattern instructions
Make notes on the instructions and terms you don’t understand.
3. Make a "mockup" first
Mistakes will be made, but that’s ok. Use a similar, but inexpensive material to make the pattern for the first time. Take notes on any mistakes you made and test the fit. Sew the pattern again using your "real" fabric. You will perfect the sewing process each time you make it.
4. Practice new techniques like darts and zippers before sewing them in a project.
Leaning a new technique is like riding a bike for the first time without training wheels. It will be wobbly and weird, and you will mess up. Avoid frustration by practicing with scrap fabric first.
5. The seam ripper is there to help you correct mistakes
But don’t waste your sewing time picking out seams. Learn how to remove stitches quickly.
6. On some days it may be hard to get in to the rhythm of sewing
You may find yourself making tons of little mistakes. It’s ok to close the door to the sewing room and try again another day.
Happy Sewing!
